It's not a common thing, really, being able to write. Nor is it something incredibly uncommon. It's something everyone takes for granted, since 99% of us can read and write. But when we say "Literacy Rate", what exactly does that entail? Would this literate person simply be able to pick up any book and read it cover to cover without problem? Or better yet, would they want to? 99% of us have the ability
to read, but how many of us actually
do want to? How many people in America actually feel the need to pick up and read a book? Not even that, but how many who simply do nothing but play video games all day (Albeit outstanding ones with amazing storylines that make statements about our life, such as Metal Gear Solid, American McGee's Alice, and Portal) can't be bothered to follow a storyline? Tales crafted with alligorical care, woven with love into this toy to entertain and be enjoyed, are passed up at the press of a button. When someone's idea or statement is passed up and tossed aside in favour of a game, it's no less than common murder of thought.
So why write? Why try? Kids seem to be fully content with the same recycled concept of shooting people in the face with whatever gun is at hand. Better yet, why even write books or blogs or anything? They seem outdated and boring to most people today.
Since I'm already late for work, I'll have to cut it short here:
You'll do yourself wonders if you do.
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