Aug 14, 2009

What is it?

What can I tell you?
You think you already know everything about this
"Single faceted"
Being that simple person
Hiding in the corner there
You say I make you laugh.
Yeah, that happens. I seem to have a knack for that.
But that's probably just about it.
Nothing more behind those jokes
Chistes y nada mas
Comic Relief in this "Oh so interesting drama"
Let me tell you.
When things really hit the fan
When shit really breaks out,
How are you going to handle yourself?
Scurry back to mom and pop
And have them hug you and tell you
Sweet Sweet lies?
Have them do everything for you?
Your facade is undone
Just don't let anyone see you.

All I can say
Is look.

There's more to everyone than meets the eye
More than surface value
And if there isn't
They're living a lie
And have no substance
Behind that

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