Sep 21, 2009


“Master, tell me, how can one make the words themselves

Simple, yet cryptic, bold, yet refined, easy to understand, yet thoughtful

Dance from the paper to the mind itself?

How is it possible that a word itself

Can change a sentence to a moment?

A paragraph to an experience?

A page to a journey?

What ideas fuel the writing?




How can I turn a dialogue into a conversation?

And a word into a smile?

What is the difference between a rookie and a journeyman?”

“The answer, son, is one so simple

Spellbinding in theory, intangible to many

The aspect of writing is not to

Draw one’s soul onto the page

It is the opposite.

Take your page and press it to your heart.

Let your inner being perform rituals around the fire

Bellow with glee in creativity

For the art comes not from the soul

It comes with it.”

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